John 18: 1, 26
“I will not leave you orphaned…”
“…[T]he Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach
you everything and remind you of all I have said.
In times of crisis and loss, I’ve found solace in the blessed assurance of Jesus’ words—that he will not leave us abandoned, comfortless, orphaned. And that one of the instruments of Grace in those times will be the Holy Spirit—Advocate, Comforter, Guide.
These lines from John provide an indication of one of the faces of the Spirit, but this mysterious Presence has many manifestations. The season of Pentecost gives us a chance to know her better. Is she descending dove, come to bless us with
Belovedness? Is she powerful wind, blowing through the doors of our lives to clear away the old—the no longer needed? Is she fire dancing on our heads—a creative energy igniting us with passion and vision? Is she all of these and more?
Celtic people envisioned the Holy Spirit as a wild goose. This association is based in part on a story where a flock of geese began cackling raucously and warned the sleeping Roman troops of a night attack by the Gauls, allowing them to escape. Geese keep careful watch and are known for their vigilance. They are also wild and untamed, unpredictable. Kathy Schiffer expands the implications: sometimes the Holy Spirit is as “rambunctious as a goose—wrestling us from our sedentary ways, disturbing the status
quo, injecting the fire of God’s love.”
Barbara Brown Taylor once said that people often report that they don’t know if they’ve experienced the power of the Spirit. For her some indicators are having a sense of a new beginning and being able to find our way back into relationship.
Groups, too, she says, can be moved by the Spirit, as indicated by the account of Pentecost in Acts 2. Taylor reveals that she has seen it happen again and again “in large rooms of people who have come together to make decisions or seek direction. One by one, they come into a room with their own agendas. Some come fearfully, ready to defend their own agendas. Then someone says a prayer, people begin to talk, and for no apparent reason positions begin to shift. People listen to each other and take each other seriously. They become creative together, coming up with ideas none of them had thought of on their own. It is as if a fresh wind blows through the room and clears everyone’s heads.”
“Whenever two plus two does not equal four but five – whenever you find yourself speaking with eloquence you know you do not have, or offering forgiveness you had not meant to offer – whenever you find yourself taking risks you thought you did not have the courage to take or reaching out to someone you had intended to walk away from – you can be pretty sure that you are learning about the gospel of the Holy Spirit.” (Taylor)
Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God, breath new life into our willing souls.
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235