Psalm 65:5
Awesome things will you show us in your righteousness, O God of our salvation.
Whether we rest our trembling soul in God's embrace, or we walk with confidence in God's path; in all things and in all times of life, we can experience new and wonderful revelations of divine care and love. They are like jewels along our path. All that we must do is maintain awareness of God's presence in our every step. Don't be distracted by the noise and confusion of the world around you. Focus your attention on God who will lead you forward and free you from fear of the uncertainty of the unknown. That's the root of the word "salvation" as used in this verse. God is the One who frees you to live your full potential as a human directed by divine love. God frees you to live and see awesome things every day of your life!
The Psalmist also says: "Commit your way to the Lord and put your trust in God who will bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:5) This provides us with reassurance. Now, as a Christian it is our responsibility to trust God's Spirit to be fully present and helpful in each of our daily interactions with others. Often, we must walk into a day without springlike blue skies, but we are not alone in the effort to find blessings in each of our human encounters.
However, we must make a conscious effort to be aware of the Spirit's presence and guidance in those opportunities. That may sound like a daunting challenge. I would like to suggest some exercises to build up the necessary "spiritual muscles" to begin this task. First, as you encounter someone, give them a big smile. Second, as you start to have a conversation, pause and silently seek God's presence in your words. If the other person asks a more difficult question or seeks your opinion, pause (as if giving their question additional thought) and ask God's Spirit to guide your response. You'll be surprised how much better that human interaction progresses. God's Spirit is a fantastic guide and help!
Lord God, quiet my mind and sharpen my attention to your Spirit's presence in my life. It is my desire to live this day in closer relationship with you and to express your love in each of my interactions with other people. Be it ever so. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235