Psalm 95:1
O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
The preacher worked the sermon into a tightly knitted frenzy and then in a loud, clear voice proclaimed to the congregation: "Jesus saves! Your salvation comes from the Lord!" To those of us who grew up in a fundamentalist or evangelical Protestant church, you also probably heard these words or similar words during revival services and many Sunday mornings. In most Christian circles, salvation is a noun which slips off the lip like a honey greased noodle. But like that slippery noodle, what really is the taste (the meaning) of the word salvation?
I remember at the age of 10 being asked to receive salvation from Jesus so that upon my death, I'd be able to be with the rest of my family in heaven. As a young boy, that invitation seemed to be a "ticket to heaven". Now as an old man with 79 years of life walk under my belt, I realize that salvation is so much more than an entry pass into paradise. However, Christians often go through life being "saved" without a realization of the rich treasures which are available when one truly confesses that the "Lord is the rock of our salvation."
The word salvation is used frequently in Scripture (approximately 80 times in the Old Testament and 41 times in the New Testament). The English word salvation derives from the Latin salvatio which means deliverance. From what and for what was I delivered in that little country church at the age of 10? Let's discover some answers. First, let's go back to the ancient Hebrew people. While tending sheep in the desert of Sinai, God spoke to Moses about the misery which Hebrew people were enduring as slaves of the Egyptian Pharaoh. God said, "I have heard their cry of misery, and I have come to deliver (save) them from the Egyptians." (Exodus 3:7-8) Thereafter, they would proclaim that "the Lord God is our salvation!"
We too can accept God's invitation to be delivered from a life with a spiritual dead end and from slavery to all the siren calls and threats of routine living. We can accept God's invitation to open our lives to divine guidance and love. We can be delivered into a new spiritual life. Have you accepted God's invitation? That's the most important decision you'll ever make!
Lord God, help me to quiet my mind and open my heart to receive your loving words of guidance. May I better understand the precious gift of salvation which you offer to humanity. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235