"Seek to do good works, but we cannot be proud or self-righteous on account of our good works. We must credit the good we do to that foundation of good and be grateful to serve as its medium to express good into this world. “ -J. McQuiston
People who follow a faith- based lifestyle are taught to do good, be honest and caring toward others. Some people do a lot of good but seem to want to be recognized for their deeds. For example, they may give a sizable donation to build a homeless shelter, but they want their name attached to the project. They need to be recognized for their philanthropy.
I am reminded of this gospel story:
Jesus was sitting with his disciples in the Jerusalem Temple while people were passing by and placing money into the offering chest. Many rich people placed in large sums of money and their coins made lots of noise. Then a poor widow passed by and deposited two tiny copper coins, worth maybe a penny. Jesus commended the widow's generosity and told his disciples:
"This poor widow has put in more than those [who are rich]. For they contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on."
(Mark 12:41-44)
Her gift to the offering didn't make noise as it fell into the treasury chest. Her offering came from a quiet and humble heart which acknowledged thegoodness of God who was the foundation and source of her livelihood. Likewise, when we pray giving thanks for the love that we share with one another, we should also give praise for God's love. For God's goodness and love is the source of the Christian's expression of goodness to others.
The goodness that we express is only a reflection of the all-goodness of God.
Gracious God, as I reflect on how I want to begin each new day of life with you and others, may I be more faithful and consistent in my life's witness to your redeeming love and care. Open my eyes to the opportunities which you will provide whereby I can help others find you as a rich source of comfort and guidance for their life. Amen.
In this week, may you be blessed with many divine opportunities to be the "heart
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235