Habbakuk 2:2-3
“And the Lord answered me:
‘Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so [they] may run who read it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.’” Habbakuk 2:2-3
Since the publication of his timely book Dancing in the Darkness: Spiritual Lessons for Thriving in Turbulent Times,* Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III has been speaking his prophetic message to communities across the country on zoom and in person. Senior Pastor at Trinity UCC in Chicago, Moss is regularly hailed as one of the finest voices in preaching today, and his recent visit to The Cottage, Diana Butler Bass’ subscription service, demonstrated the power of his gifts.
Midway in their conversation, Bass expressed her deep, deep pain over the brutal death of Tyre Nichols, as well as her wrestling with the fact that the officers were black themselves and that they were so quickly charged with murder where white officers most likely would not have been. After a thoughtful and layered response from Rev. Moss, Bass acknowledged her rage and grief and asked which of the spiritual tools from the book might be most needed at this time.
His answer was to practice “prophetic grief.” Personal expressions of loss and pain and anger are real and necessary, but Rev. Moss asserts that “we must learn to grieve prophetically, seeing our world, even at its darkest, with the spirit and energy of the prophets of the Hebrew Bible. These ancient teachers warned that the world was out of balance and that its repair requires our help. Grieving with them, we weep sometimes, yes, but without giving in to cynicism, hatred, and violence. We mourn as we work for change.”
Deeply shaped by the work and theology of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and Howard Thurman, Rev. Moss brings together heart and mind, powerful narrative and calls for spiritual resistance to shed light on navigating the trials of our times. Dancing in the Darkness offers steps to creating a world of love and justice and is a good antidote to the rhetoric of politicians seeking to whitewash the past and ban AP African American history in school curricula.
God of unfolding revelation, You continue to send us prophets to “write the vision,” to guide us on the path to creating your Beloved Community. May we heed their word and, with courage, follow their prophetic wisdom. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
*Dancing in the Darkness: https://www.amazon.com/Dancing-Darkness-Spiritual-Thriving-Turbulent/dp/B0B64D1GV
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235