“A song can hold you up when there seems to be no ground beneath you.”
Melanie Demore
She leans in close to her laptop screen, taking the time to look directly at each person on the zoom call, her gaze warm and knowing, as if she could see into our hearts. What an uplifting, intimate, and holy hour I recently spent with the gifted and generous Melanie Demore --singing, clapping, and swaying with “attitude.”*
The three-time Grammy nominee and “vocal activist” has had a 30+ year career as a composer, singer, and conductor of choirs of all ages and diverse cultures. The core of her repertoire is African American spirituals, civil rights songs, as well as her own compositions. I invite you to pause and listen to the resonant, warm depth of her voice in her own arrangement of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoD98a4qtKI
Interweaving commentary with song in our time together, Demore resists the current push for only African American artists and choirs to sing spirituals or the music of black culture. It is wrong headed and “poison,” she asserts, especially in a society such as ours which is so divided. Singing each other’s music bridges and unites us, expands our hearts, and gives us an entry point into each other’s culture. But teaching the history and context of the music is important to truly honor the origins.
Another inspiring thing about Demore is her participation with Threshold Choirs—as singer and composer. Begun by Kate Munger, these groups, now numbering over 250 across the world, sing with those who are crossing the threshold from life on this earth into death, easing pain and companioning families. The groups will come again and again to offer the healing gift of music—and for no cost.
One of the pieces Melanie wrote for the Threshold Choirs is “Sending You Light” whose chorus goes: “I am sending you light to heal you and hold you. I am sending you light to hold you in love.” As we ended our song session with her, she asked us to write in the chat the names of those in our lives we would like to sing this song for, and as she sang, she paused periodically, speaking their names in love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIsZuoNFtXg
We should all have our medicine baskets filled with music, she believes, songs which remind us who we are, songs that hold us up when the ground falls away, songs which stitch together the frayed fabric of our lives. Whenever we need them, let us bring them forth and sing out.
Lord, listen to your children singing. Send us love. Send us power. Send us grace. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
*Offered by The Abbey of the Arts
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235