Love is a tricky word. The kind of love that is fierce is the “non possessive delight in the unique particularity of the other.” It’s ubuntu, an ancient Zulu expression that says, I am a human through other humans. I am who I am because you are who you are. We’re just one species, one organism pulsing toward our future together. So humankind has got to stop (its divisiveness and hate) and reset to I am human because you are human and your life matters. And I’ve gotta locate my surviving and thriving inside of yours before it’s too late. ….This is the gospel of fierce love. Rev. Dr. Jaqui Lewis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbzBCoKeOZY
I fell in love with the remarkable Rev. Dr Jacqui Lewis several years ago after listening to her preach online and then experiencing her passionate witness at the Red Letter Christans conference at St. Paul United Methodist Church here. Since then some of us in our life group have been enriched and inspired by many sermons and podcasts. She pastors an extraordinary church-- Middle Church in New York City, preaches an expansive and radically inclusive theology, fosters interfaith understanding and partnerships, and is a passionate activist for a broad spectrum of justice causes, including LGBTQAI+ issues. She embodies Fierce Love.
In a 2023 interview, when asked what fierce love was, Lewis responded that the concept is anchored in a story from her own life. As a young woman, she and her white husband- to- be had a terrible wreck in Canada, totaling their car. EMTs took him directly to the hospital for treatment while she was left alone with no money, shaken and bloodied, with shattered glass in her hair. As Lewis wept in the fear, pain, and trauma of the event, a white woman saw her and, in a lobby full of people, was the only one to walk toward her—this black girl with a full afro-- and ask what was going on. The pastor now sees in this one bold action a statement: “I’m gonna come to you….I’m gonna cross the borders to get to you, to get you what you need.”
The woman’s compassion clearly awakened, she companioned Lewis in an extraordinary way. She took her to the drug store to get toothpaste and shampoo and got her something to eat, checked her into a hotel and paid the bill. The next morning, she drove her to the hospital and was courageous and fierce in taking care of this young woman, in her advocacy for her.
This experience was powerfully formative for Jacqui Lewis: “It unlocked in me my own capacity to reach out to the stranger, to make friends with the one who doesn’t have a friend, to donate beyond my comfort level to make sure people can recover from storms, to go to Louisiana to pull out moldy plaster board to rebuild houses, to go to the border to deal with the immigration issue.” The woman’s “rule-breaking kindness, her ferocious courage became the most theologically grounding event” in Lewis’ life. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmg0vBtXc-Y
Joan Chittister speaks of Lent as about “becoming, doing, and changing whatever it is that is blocking the fullness of life in us right now.” I’m thinking that our world would be a far better place if we practiced fierce Love.
As we return to you with all our hearts, O God, fuel our courage for becoming living embodiments of fierce Love. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235