Luke 1: 47
And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.”
Walking my boy Charley in the early morning dark, I stop before a neighbor’s display of Christmas decorations. The child in me lights up in wonder as a path of green sparkles across her lawn and tiny emerald dots float like fireflies on the side of her house.
This moment of simple delight shakes me with the recognition that my sense of wonder has been dulled this season. The Christmas rush, the pressure and expectations we have for ourselves (or others have for us) are enough to blunt wonder, but Jan Richardson offers an additional cause: “Chaos—with which we are living in vast quantities—has a way of grinding down our capacity for wonder. When we have to keep reacting to surprises of the perilous sort, it can become difficult to notice and respond to surprises of the lovely sort, those moments that bear witness to the wholeness that is seeking to work itself out in us.”
The lectionary scripture for today, Mary’s glorious Advent song in Luke 1: 46-55, ranges in expression from full-throated joy and praise to a celebration of God’s justice. But it is a song of wonder as well—that God would “look with favor on the lowliness of [God’s] servant.” Such profound grace astonishes and swells the heart to overflowing.
Sharing her awe at the Incarnation, Cole Arthur Riley marvels that “the origin of Advent is the body of a woman, the womb of a woman…[and, I would add, a woman of color]. God’s promise is spoken over what [Mary] was capable of doing and what she ultimately would do and give to promote healing.”
Moved by Riley’s vision, Rachel Clinton Chen asserts that there’s something about the Christian story that “we are actually afraid to get close to because of the radical upending about how we imagine power, how we imagine God’s rescue. We’re talking about a story where God embodies Godself in such vulnerability—that God entrusts Godself to the womb of a human woman.”
With Christmas Eve on the horizon, may we approach, like Mary, full term, full time, aching for a new birth of wonder. May we stand in breathless adoration in the presence of the Love that “came down at Christmas.” May it pierce us to the core knowing God does not stand aloof in majesty, but risks everything to be with us, to be embodied again and again, dwelling among us, abiding in us, to show us a Grace beyond compare.
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235