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Rev. Dr. Andria Davis

Eat to Live

When Jesus called himself the Bread of Life, even his contemporaries were confused about what he meant. How could he be bread? In calling himself bread, Jesus was reminding his followers that he was meant to be a staple in their lives. Furthermore, he was interested in not helping people to stay alive, but rather to live. By partaking in the bread of life, we are invited to slow down and savor the grace that God has shared with us

Discussion Guide

Soul Food

The metaphor of the bread of life is a popular image. Bread is a basic staple food, filling and made of simple ingredients. It is plentiful and readily available. In calling himself the bread of life, Jesus speaks to his identification with the needs and interests of the everyday per. son. It is also a profoundly sacrificial theme; Jesus invites us to consume him, to eat and drink of his life. But Jesus does not originate this imagery. In the writings of Proverbs, we find an invitation to eat and drink from the table of holy wisdom. This consumption is more than metaphorical. It means internalizing the ways, the thoughts, the imagination, the disciplines of righteous life. This series explores the idea of how our own lives are transformed from the invitation to partake of life-giving realities. The four passages lift up important teachings that can deepen our understanding of how life in God feeds our souls.

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