2 Timothy 3.16
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.
Hammers and Nails
Most people know what a hammer is. When we see a hammer, we do not feel threatened because we know its purpose. It is a tool that is usually used to drive a nail into a surface or to dislodge different nails. We use hammers to improve our lives by building fantastic structures like houses, trains, and boats. As long as the hammer is used for this purpose it is a blessing. In the wrong hands, however, the hammer can be used as a weapon. It will destroy when it was meant to build. The potential for good and evil exists for everything, but there is nothing that this potential applies to more than the mind.
Consider, the Bible. It has sold more books than any other book every year longer than I have been alive. I consider it to be one of God’s greatest gifts to humankind. The Bible has taught countless people how to live good lives, to be wise, and to know the secret thoughts of God. For centuries, the Bible has been our link to God. At the same time, the Bible has been used by dark minds to justify slavery, genocide, and even greater acts of evil. Like the hammer, the Bible has a purpose. In the wrong hands, however, it can destroy when it was meant to build.
Today, there are countless arguments over what the Bible really teaches. Some people teach that text is more important than context while for others it is the opposite. For thousands of years, the Bible has not changed. However, humanity goes through a great change every decade. Our minds change, our perspectives change, and our ways of life change. A child who hears a certain story will not have the same understanding upon hearing that story as an adult. The story does not change, but the person does. How much more the living descendants of the ones who were alive when the Bible was written?
More importantly, why are we nailing each other to the cross for not agreeing with our understanding about words written thousands of years ago? Jesus was nailed to the cross for daring to disagree and we all believe that it was an evil act. Let’s not condemn those who disagree with us, lest by the merits of our understanding we crucify Christ a second time.
Merciful and loving God,
We desperately want to be right, but sometimes being right becomes more important than being loving to one another. We treat the Bible like a hammer and people like nails. If we could stop arguing for just a minute, then we would see that the division we have today is nowhere close to what the Bible really teaches. Jesus gave His life for those who disagreed with Him, but we use the Bible, the very thing meant to build us up, to justify destroying those who do not agree with us. Lord, forgive us and have mercy, for we do not know what we are doing. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235