Psalm 23:6.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord my whole life long.
Some days are better than others, of course. I have had "good" experiences and my share of "bad" ones. I use quotation marks for both of those judgmental words. The "good" experiences have sometimes been fleeting or in some way had "bad" consequences. The ones I considered "bad" have often taught me valuable lessons. Sometimes they prepared me to understand and be of service to someone else.
I have learned to pay less attention to my immediate reactions to life's circumstances.
I do draw upon past experiences to understand the present, of course. I appreciate that I have acquired some education and wisdom along the way. Mostly though, I give credit to my faith for keeping me from the doldrums every time something "bad" happens to me.
I find that the words in Psalm 23:6 remind me that God has my back in every circumstance of my life.
I wake up most mornings and lie in bed to give thanks for the many blessings God has granted me. The first thing I usually see is a beautiful painting hanging on my wall. I thank God for my comfortable home that shelters me and also is filled with beauty and loving people.
Once, as my day progressed, I learned the foundation repair I just paid massive amounts to have done, had exposed serious problems with the plumbing. My mind began to race: The estimate for those repairs seems impossible. I start to panic. Is this repairman reliable? Where will I find such money? Will I be able to continue to live here? And the list of worries mounts. It seems like the time for panic, but it is not. I declare boldly, "This too will work out. It always has and always will. Surely goodness and mercy.... my whole life long!"
The truth is, nothing I ever worried about has ever been worth the time and energy I spent on the worry. Everything always has worked out and I still have a wonderful life. And no, I didn't even have to move.
Beloved God, keeper of my soul and my whole being, I love you. Help me to spread the good news of your love for all of us. Help us to bring comfort and peace to troubled hearts and worrying minds. Help us to live for you and rest easy in your loving arms. In your Holy Name, we pray. Amen
Carole Anne Sarah
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235