Psalm 104. 24-25
How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. There is the sea, vast and spacious, teeming with creatures beyond number— living things both large and small.
Inner Peace
Peace is quiet and not loud, still and not in a hurry, surrendered and not struggling, and simply is without trying to be. Imagine a secret garden that grew without anyone ever helping it. The sun is shining on patches of daisies, lilies, and dandelions spread about the garden randomly in various colors. A small stream stretches the length of the garden flowing in the direction of a great mountain in the distance. Throughout the garden are many apple trees in season with both red and green apples. Finally, the grass is both soft and long, and bows as the wind dances through the garden.
Conversely, chaos is loud and not quiet, in a hurry and not still, struggling and not surrendered, and trying to be but is not there yet. Imagine a storm raging at sea and being caught trying to sail through it. Thunder is booming while lighting is striking. The wind is fighting against everything in its path. Water has become waves driven by the wind and is striking your boat. A tornado is forming in the sky while rain beats down heavily on your face and you can see nothing.
Nature shows us what peace and chaos looks like, however, it is our hearts that feel its effects. When our emotions guide us, our hearts become as changeable as the weather; but when we guide our emotions, we become unmovable. There is peace even on cloudy days in a heart that is quiet, still, surrendered, and simply is without trying to be.
Grow a garden in the sanctuary of your heart and fill it with all the things that bring you joy. Take care of it and never neglect it. Your peace of mind depends on how well you maintain your garden. The storm that rages on the outside does not reach the peace that you keep on the inside. This is what the ancients called ‘Inner Peace’.
Spirit of Peace,
Guide and guard our hearts so that we may find, keep, and be at peace. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235