Mark 2, verses 5 and 11
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, 'Son, your sins are forgiven.'... He said to the paralytic, 'I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.' He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all.
When planning an area-wide church trip to New Orleans, our organizing committee had to make several decisions to ensure that participants would gain insight into the mission and ministry of local agencies serving marginalized communities. However, we found that it was our lodging decision that also made a significant impact on meeting our goal of opening hearts and minds to those in need.
We chose to book the event lodging at the Brent House Hotel. The facility had comfortable rooms, an attentive staff, and local access to where our participants needed to travel. What makes Brent House unique is that it is attached to a large New Orleans hospital. As we moved between the parking lot and our rooms, we found ourselves walking alongside medical staff, patients, and visitors in the hospital. Throughout the event, we shared space with healers, those in need of healing, and the loved ones who support them.
As we shared hallways, parking areas, and elevators with the people in the hospital, we saw the weary shoulders of health-care professionals, the worried faces of loved ones, and the patients’ bodies slumped into wheelchairs, perhaps out of their hospital beds for a short excursion. Being among these healers, patients, and loved ones, we found a community working together to bring about restoration.
In the second chapter of Mark, we hear the story of Jesus healing a paralyzed man who is brought to Him by his friends. This passage reminds us of not only walking among those who need healing but also the role of community in bringing others to Christ for healing. The faith of the man's friends plays a significant role in his restoration.
The decision to stay at the Brent House Hotel during our church trip to New Orleans became an unexpected but powerful part of our experience. While we had initially focused on ensuring participants engaged with local ministries, the simple act of sharing space with hospital staff, patients, and their families deepened our understanding of healing in a broader sense.
As we walked alongside those in need and those who care for them, we were reminded of the importance of community in the healing process—much like the story of the paralyzed man in Mark 2. Our time at Brent House revealed that sometimes the most profound
lessons come not just from our planned activities, but from the everyday interactions and the spaces we inhabit. Through this experience, we were reminded that healing is both a physical and spiritual journey, one that requires compassion, faith, and the support of others.
Gracious God, we thank You for the unexpected lessons You teach us along the way. Open our eyes to the healing that happens not only through ministries, but through the simple act of sharing space with those in need and those who care for them. Just as the paralyzed man was restored through the faith and support of his friends, help us to be that support for others. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Thomas Riggs
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235