Exodus 20.8-10
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
Six days you shall labor and do all your work,
but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates.
Amazing how many things occur as National "whatever" Day each day! We are such a people of celebrations that 365 days a year are not enough! Now Tacos we celebrate once a week!
The day I started this devotional I googled and there were 18 things not counting people's birthdays! It included Raggedy Ann doll day, and Superman and peanut cookie day as well as other country celebration days and other things.
I remember the “good old days” when Sunday was God's Day! In America it was nationally understood that Sunday was reserved for church and family and rest. In fact, growing up there was even a Blue Law.
"Blue laws, also known as Sunday laws, Sunday trade laws, and Sunday closing laws, are laws restricting or banning certain activities on specified days, usually Sundays in the western world." Wikipedia
That might surprise many of you who are much younger than me. You may never have heard of this law!
Blue laws date back to Roman times, when the Empire sought a day of rest and reflection for its citizens. The impetus was purely religious then, as it was in the seventeenth century, when most American colonies outlawed everything on Sunday except church. The first Texas blue law, prohibiting working, drinking, horse racing, gambling, and other heathen practices, went into effect in 1863. Since then, our blue law has become the state’s most celebrated statutory dinosaur. Blue Law in Texas was repealed in 1985. Sometimes the law stated you had to be closed either Sunday or Saturday.
When I was growing up. Nothing but church was ever scheduled on Sunday. Not Little League games. Not conventions. Not meetings of social groups. Not any school function! Maybe another family might invite my family over for a picnic or evening dinner - something that was considered an extended family time event.
In Texas it was even considered that Wednesday nights were almost that "sacred!" Churches of many denominations had Wednesday evening services, so events were almost never considered for being scheduled on Wednesday evening. Weren't we an interesting generation? BUT we held space for church functions.
Conventions, sports events, school functions occasionally, anything you can imagine are now scheduled on Sundays! What a change I have seen in my lifetime! And people must work on Sundays so much because businesses operate 7 days a week.
It has changed society and our reverence for God and family!
God, we want to remember how to honor you and how to rest and worship. Help us bring back the days of reverence of holy days and holy times.
Jan Nunn
CoH Volunteer
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235