2 Timothy 3.16
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
Would the writers of Scripture be astounded that people would be reading and interpreting their work 2,000 years in their future?
In this stage of human evolution, we have a rare opportunity to understand that what we post on social media will have an impact in our distant futures. Why? Because it becomes public domain news about who we are.
We have the unique opportunity of purposefully creating not just our present, but our history for future generations multiple times over. The ancient writers may not have known the impact of their letters, notes, and grocery lists, but now we are the stewards of how these civilizations lived, fought, and died. A snapshot of time.
We try to ‘read’ what we can into the lives of those people who struggled to live in such a mysterious and violent era. The struggle of peoples who fought to survive, but who had a much bigger puzzle to fill in about their origins, how they lived daily, and whether they had a greater purpose. Yet here we are with their mail which was postmarked 2000 or more years ago. What an incredible gift they left us.
Theologians have been busy for millennia trying to decipher an ancient code, that by chance fell into our hands. Perhaps instead of zooming in with our modern microscope, it might be better to understand the nature of the gift our lives is in comparison; when our freedom to speak our minds or otherwise do unto others in some days might be considered atrocities to the Bible writers.
We’ve managed to ignore the bigger picture teachings; love our neighbor as ourselves has in many ways reverted to eye-for-an-eye, tit-for-tat mentality. Certainly, it’s not true of all of us, but it’s good to keep in mind that whatever we post will live long after we’re gone. Each of us must ask ourselves what my life will look like when somebody reads my mail in a few thousand years. What will I do to create a better world with my life that works as an example? What will I say and more important, what will I refrain from saying?
Help us to remember to stop and think before we angrily strike those buttons on our screens. We are creating our place in history. May our words reflect the compassion of Jesus. Amen
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235