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Authenticity: Being WHo You Are

Traditional thought values pretense above all else and that kind of façade can be profoundly destructive for children, for families, and for the churches in which we practice shared faith. This presents a fatal flaw where valuing pretense can destroy relationships. Communities that welcome, affirm, and celebrate people are more diverse, more effective, more fun, and ultimately, more life-giving to the world. 

Discussion Guide

Values of Modern Family

The term “family values” has for so long been code language to support misogyny, homophobia, bigotry, and many other ways of hate and exclusion. However, values do have an important role in our lives. They inform our decisions and shape our relationships—and we build communities of faith around shared values. Take a journey as we explore values that move towards healthy families, meaningful connections, strong communities, and to see the good news of radical love and mercy embodied in us and our beloved Cathedral of Hope. 

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