Romans 8:7-8
Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what God is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored.
Anyone who comes to terms with attention deficit disorder must deal with the various ramifications of focus… or lack thereof. The difficulty in paying attention, making careless mistakes, and sustaining attention has several consequences.
The most onerous consequence for me lies in the very definition of the word ‘attention’. Some of the synonyms of that word are ‘courtesy’, ‘consideration’, ‘thoughtfulness’, and ‘kindness’. When I am unable to focus and pay attention to someone, I can be considered discourteous, inconsiderate, thoughtless, and unkind.
Thankfully, there are tools, disciplines, and strategies for dealing with ADD. There also times where I effortlessly have clarity, focus, and attentiveness. But more importantly, I am appreciative of those people in my life who are patient with me and don’t take what I say or do personally when I can’t focus.
Although I occasionally have to work to stay focused and there are moments when it comes effortlessly, I’m surrounded by wonderful people who love and accept me. They understand that even if my attention wavers, my heart and intentions are always in the right place.
In the eighth chapter of Romans, Paul presents a profound message about the transformative power of life in the Spirit, emphasizing the contrast between living according to the flesh and living according to the Spirit. He underscores the idea that a life led by the Spirit is characterized by peace, hope, and the assurance of eternal life, contrasting sharply with the futility and death that comes from a life oriented towards the flesh.
In the paraphrase of this passage from The Message, Paul emphasizes the importance of focusing on God rather than on ourselves, but he makes it clear that this isn’t about strictly following rules. In fact, he criticizes those who believe they can achieve righteousness on their own, becoming preoccupied with self-assessment but failing to apply their morals in real life. In contrast, those who trust in God’s work within them discover that God’s Spirit lives in them, making them vibrant reflections of His presence.
For those of us who invite God into our lives and choose to be led by the Spirit, we find ourselves experiencing life according to God’s intentions. I am grateful for people who understand that, even when I fall short, my heart is genuinely in the right place. I’m also thankful for a God who sees my heart resting in Him, rather than in my own efforts.
Lord, guide my thoughts and actions so that I may focus on what is true and eternal, rather than the fleeting desires of the flesh. May Your Spirit lead me in every aspect of my life, filling me with peace and purpose. Teach me to trust in Your presence within me, empowering me to live out the righteousness You desire. Amen.
Thomas Riggs
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235