Psalm 145.4
One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.
What’s your Legacy? Think about the legacy the writers of our Bible unwittingly left behind. I am not a believer that they had any clue what their legacies would be. I would include those familiar names like Paul, but also the ones whose books we read whose thoughts are often attributed to Paul or some other individual’s writing. We’ll never know who they were. But we are sure that they left a legacy.
It’s less than fair to read their mail which was written to a specific audience, and project a one- size- fits- all context these 2000 years later. Yet, here we have their legacy, a part of a recipe that makes an incomplete cake, if I may use that analogy.
Not too long ago, I spoke with my Aunt, who had lots of family recipes from her area of the world in East Texas. Her husband, my mother’s brother and my uncle, died at the very young of 53, from heart failure. Not too many years later, my aunt’s two children, my cousins, had many health challenges and each died early as well. My Aunt’s legacy of her children had vanished. What was she going to leave behind? Finally, she began to examine all her cooking she had done in the last 65 years. Recording those recipes became a newly discovered preoccupation. Her family’s lives had been cut short, but memories of the joys of those family mealtimes were still alive
My Aunt’s recipes for our family gatherings at Christmas, Thanksgiving, and all the other holidays and celebrations, say something about herself that will live on in our memories, too. No doubt, like those ancient writers of letters we now call the Bible, she’s not thought about this as her own legacy, but recently I presented the idea to her and she loved it.
Jesus, on the other hand, who never wrote a word of scripture, left something of himself, out of his all-too-short life. He called it [the Holy Spirit] the Comforter, but to me his memory contains its own positive energy of itself. It lives as long as our remembrance of him is held in our human consciousness. We’re connected by it. We feel its presence. Like a good family recipe which is a memory brought back to life, so is our consciousness around Jesus.
Now, I’ve made myself hungry for my own homemade pimento cheese recipe. I’m sure your life has its special recipes, too. Bon appetite to your own unique legacy, whatever it may be.
Create in us an awareness that our daily routines can become lessons that influence untold future generations.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235