“You all belong together because you all belong to Christ Jesus.”
Galatians 3:28d (EasyEnglish Bible)
I first spotted her when I was looking out our kitchen window that faces the front yard. Our house is at the end of a curve of the long street that runs through our neighborhood. It was a warm, sunny, Texas fall day, and she was making her way along the concrete sidewalk, stopping at each house to lift the lid of the water meter and take a reading.
I turned to the refrigerator to grab a plastic bottle of water and quickly went to the front door, opening it just as she was arriving in front of our home. I called out to her as I stepped out onto the porch, “Would you like a bottle of water?”
She looked up and called out with a disarming smile, “I am just reading your meter,” apparently assuming I was questioning her presence in my front yard.
I repeated my question but worded it differently, “Would you like to have a bottle of cold water?”
“Oh, yes!” she immediately replied, this time, with a tone that conveyed both gratitude and relief. “I am really thirsty!”
I met her halfway in the yard and handed her the cool refreshment. ”You’ve got a big job!” I observed.
“Yes,” she said. “They drop us off and I didn’t think about grabbing some water before I worked this neighborhood. Thank you.”
“Be safe, and thank you for your service,” I offered. She continued her duties as we parted, and I returned to my home.
It was a small, seemingly insignificant encounter, yet one that is memorable for me and perhaps for her. An act of kindness. An opportunity for human connection. A memory of relief provided by a home-dweller whose empathy led to an unexpected act of service. A reminder that she is not just peering into damp, dark holes in the ground but is part of a larger system that provides residents with safe drinking water. On this day, one of them bothered to return the favor.
Neuro-anthropologists tell us that humans are hard-wired for connection. We need each other, and long for a connection with the mystery that is the transcendent—the Divine—as well. When we remember this, our journey is better.
What connection will you make today? Perhaps you’ve started by reading this.
Holy One, Divine Presence, nudge us from our mundane routine to be curious, to notice, and to be open to opportunities for connection. In doing so, may we find sacred moments to hold close and may they give us energy and courage to discover more. Amen.
Rev. Dr. Gary Kindley
Pastoral Psychotherapist
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235