1 Corinthians 12:26 NIV
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
Healing a Heart
If you want to shine a light in the darkest places of a person’s heart, then do so with empathy. Be poor with the poor, sick with the sick, and hurt with the hurting as one who thoughtfully considers their struggle. Even a stranger can comfort another; how much more is it to be comforted by a friend who recognizes your pain. It is easier for two people to communicate when they speak the same language. When one is able to speak with empathy, she is able to meet those suffering where they are and connect with them through her understanding. Reaching the heart is a matter of closing the distance between our thoughts and emotions.
With our minds we can recognize when another person is hurting, but it is with our hearts that we truly understand. A journey is more easily traveled with a guide. Comparatively, it is harder to lead someone somewhere you have never been to. A doctor studies the condition of the body before he treats it. Likewise, we as helpers are better equipped when we understand who we are trying to help. Empathy is not always possible, but the act of making the attempt to understand another’s pain is true friendship. Sometimes, being a friend means that it is better to listen when we do not know what to say.
When we do not understand how a person is feeling, we can admit it without fear. Just the desire of wanting to help is a great gift. For some, the only thing they ever lacked was having a friend who cared. Feelings are powerful; they are the passion behind our prayers and actions. Your good will can save a life, change a life, and create a better life for another. Don’t be overwhelmed by what you can’t do; instead, bring your concerns to God, for nothing is too hard for the One who is all powerful and all knowing. Love is the greatest expression of empathy, for realizing when another person needs it...is true understanding.
Spirit of love,
Grant us insight. This may mean that we have to struggle to understand the struggle of others, however, we are grateful for wisdom. Show us the way to healing so that we may be able to show others. Let love shine in the dark places and create in us peaceful and joyous spirits. Bless You Great One. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235