Isaiah 3:13-15
The Lord takes his place in court; he rises to judge the people. The Lord enters into judgment against the elders and leaders of his people: “It is you who have ruined my vineyard; the plunder from the poor is in your houses.
What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the faces of the poor?” declares the Lord, the Lord Almighty.
God was about to take away from the state of Judah every stay and support. The land was to become made desolate. The city was to be in ruins. Those who could speak on God’s behalf would no longer be there to provide comfort. The generals, the leaders, the builders, the lawyers… they would not be there to help. Inexperienced people, many of them lacking wisdom and knowledge, would be put in charge. The nation would look to anyone who has the mere appearance of propriety and try to make them leaders.
Jerusalem staggers; Judah is falling.
And why is this happening? Because the people had become rebellious, even at the temple, trusting anyone and anything other than God. They had ruined the vineyard and crushed the poor.
In this narrative, God calls the people to a strict account for all the wealth and power entrusted to and abused by them. However, the people sinfully disregarded the necessities of the poor and those on the margins. As a result, the disaster that is to befall the people of Judah was brought upon themselves.
If one listens carefully, you might easily see how the declarations of the LORD in Isaiah 3 could be echoing now. Decades of not being good stewards of the environment has resulted in the devastating ruin of climate change. Passive engagement in the political process, even failing to vote, has resulted in corrupt legislation that oppress the poor and those on the margins. Abuses of the pulpit of social media has led to incivility and polarization.
The evil that appears to befall us now, have we not brought this upon ourselves?
Isaiah’s stark and desolate warning is a reminder that we are called to honor God by loving our neighbor, drawing close to community, heeding ancient and modern words of hope, providing
for the poor, and advocating for the marginalized. We are called to a repentance that leads to action. We are called to love with a fierceness that echoes the love of God.
Loving Mother, guiding Father, embracing Non-binary… throughout your Word, you call us again and again to righteousness. We arise to tend to the vineyard, to be generous with our resources, to embrace the poor, and heed your call. With your strength, we come to honor you. Amen
Thomas Riggs
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235