Psalm 46.10
“Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
Who am I without my loved ones? Who am I to strangers? Do you agree when I say being human is hard? It’s profound to be a single individual making choices. I’d say it’s even harder and more profound to make decisions between two people who care about each other; that is friends, Family, coworkers… You get the idea.
If this were Jeopardy, I’d say I’ll take profundity in relationships for $500. I’ve had my fair share of friends over the years and I consider myself very blessed to have so many kinds of people and friends in my life. To this day, I’m perplexed at the loss of certain friends who disappeared, without explanation and for no particular reason. I look back on one in particular, and have come up with all kinds of reasons I think we stopped speaking. But it came and went without any closure, leaving behind an empty space the friendship used to fill. One of life’s many unsolved mysteries.
Can you think of someone in your life in which you had a similar situation? Then, there are family members. There are families in which everybody gets along swimmingly and others that don’t. In recent times, I did a little math on how much my blood family meets together. My sum totals averaged around 4 days a year for an average of 5 hours, give or take. That is roughly 20 hours a year, rounding up a bit, let’s say 24 hours annually, equal to one day. I have been profoundly sad thinking over time, my family and I have become acquaintances, not really knowing each other and the big question of what happens in the other 364 days to shape our lives, growth, and evolution. In other words, we don’t really know each other.
Perhaps it can be said in the average family, we lived together growing up then eventually moved on to become grownups, with all the variables of whether we marry, have children, partner, adopt and so on. A billion-billion different scenarios, too many to explore. My point, and I do have one, is that in all our choices in life the Creator knows us. I have no idea how that works but I suspect it’s a language of souls, soul energy in which we commune. I don’t know how far out from our relatives we strayed or stayed, but our inner-most being carries a language, that in its magnetism attracts like energy. You see, we are never alone because our human guidance system, our soul, will always seek its source. More often than not, that original source exists where you are. You may have heard “Be still and know that I am God.” You may not believe in God or care for the concept. You may be an atheist with no belief at all. Yet, no matter who you are you are a barometer for the positive you feel around you and the negative. You know in your heart if you are quiet and breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth a few times, you can do anything. Who are you to you?--
Help us to remember the truth that we can simply be still and know. Whatever that is, it is up to us.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235