Luke 10:28
And who is my neighbor?
Remember that you are in the presence of God. Take a deep breath through your nose and let it out through your mouth and do it again clearing distractions from your mind.
The question, Who is my neighbor, is an important one since most of us miss the point after hearing this bit of Scripture many times. The questions precede Jesus saying that we shall love God with all our strength and heart, soul and mind and our NEIGHBOR as ourselves.
Who is our neighbor? Is it the family next door in our neighborhood? Is it the person working in the office next to ours? Is it a co-laborer in the factory?
Perhaps it refers to those people in a country contiguous to ours or even across the seas. As a human family struggling to live in peace, our neighbor is really anyone other than ourselves. Our neighbor is in relationship to/with us in one form or another, that is, physically, emotionally, psychologically, in person or through media. Loving our neighbor as ourselves means loving those of a different color, race, creed, sexual orientation or presentation, who may speak a different language and dress in a way that we find odd.
This is the challenge: To love that neighbor who is not next door with whom you have shared birthdays and holidays and those in your church family for whom you have great affection or your work family for whom who have great respect. It means loving Others – with a capital “O.”
This task that Jesus sets before us sometimes requires forgiveness of ourselves and others, patience, understanding and compassion. Sometimes it means breaking out of old and stale stereotypes and prejudices and toxic theologies. It takes courage of conviction and integrity and speaking your own truth inspired by the Spirit of God.
Holy One! Give us the understanding to know who our Neighbors are. Help us to know how we can love them as we love ourselves. We are sorry for those times we have already fallen short of the command that Jesus gave to us. We promise to be more conscious of our words and actions and even our so-called jokes at the expense of our neighbor. We make this prayer in your many names. Amen.
Bob Shea
Cathedral of Hope / United Church of Christ
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235