Sirach 13:1
Whoever touches pitch gets dirty.
The Wisdom of Sirach is a collection of ethical teachings in a part of the Bible some call the Apocrypha. Sirach is sometimes called Ecclesiasticus and resembles Proverbs in the Bible used by most protestant denominations. Unlike Proverbs it is said to be the work of a single author, not an anthology of maxims.
The teachings apply to all conditions of life: to parents and children, to husbands and wives, to the young, to the rich, and to the poor. Many of them are rules of common courtesy as well as advice and instruction as to the duties of individuals toward themselves and others, with emphasis on the poor, but most of all toward God. Much of the book is written with elements of irony and shows evidence of a writer with a good sense of humor.
The first time I read todays verse about getting dirty if we touch pitch, I laughed out loud. I remember getting sticky fingers from the pine needles of a Christmas tree. But here, Ben Sira, wasn't referring to Christmas tree junk, but to the black sticky stuff which is used to seal and waterproof the seams of boats.
Everybody knew about that unpleasant material which oozed up from the ground's underlying petroleum deposits near the Dead Sea. It had been used as a sealant for generations. If you touch it, you get "sealed" in this stinky and sticky mess. Likewise, Ben Sira, continued his instruction: "Whoever touches pitch gets dirty, and whoever associates with the proud person becomes like him."
In high school French class, I learned the phrase (en français): "Birds of a similar feather, stick together." If you enjoy being with associates who have evil practices, gossip, or exercise arrogant pride, their practices will stick to you. And little by little, you will be "tarred and feathered" with their sinful practices. If you notice a patch of hot sticky tar boiling up on asphalt roadway, be warned and avoid it! So, it is with sin. Avoidance is a blessing!
May I choose wisely among people with whom I associate and be given the wisdom to follow the good examples of the best of them. Amen
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francos and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235