Today’s reading is from the wisdom sayings found in the Jewish writing called Wisdom of Yeshua son of Sirach which is part of the apocryphal books. Ben Sira composed this book of instruction sometime before 180 B.C.E. He instructed his readers about some principles which would help guide their conversation and teaching. They were to become leaders in the community and be able to speak and teach others in synagogue services.
These words sound like a modern-day human resource officer preaching to a class of “new hires”. We would all do well to tattoo these principles on our tongue and use them whenever we open our mouth in conversation! Review those words carefully. Can they make you a better participant in any discussion? Modern social science teaches that we should always give the other person(s) our full attention before we add our comments. Everyone wants to be heard and their position understood. Carefully listen while not interrupting with either words or body gestures. As you listen, you are beginning the process of investigation.
Do their thoughts have credibility with your knowledge and experience? If not, can you add what you know while doing it in a non-offensive manner which may give additional insight to the other person. Although criticism is often destructive, if given carefully, it may be positive and helpful to the conversation’s common understanding.
Great value is found in Ben Sira’s final line of instruction: “Don’t argue about a matter that does not involve you”… to which I might add the words: “or things about which neither of you can control”. After having heard their statement or argument, just state your position on the matter, and then leave things alone. In this “firebomb” political climate of ours, I believe Ben Sira’s wisdom is especially helpful! His words could have easily been written for our social media world. How often does each of us make comments that we almost instantly regret? -And usually about matters that don’t even involve us!
Lord God, quiet my mind and open my heart to receive your words of instruction to guide my spiritual growth. I give you thanks for your loving care, and in this and all things, I offer you myself that I may be an instrument of your love and peace in this world. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235