Matthew 10:16-25
“I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves.”
Prepare by placing yourself in the Presence of God, taking a deep breath, breathing in goodness and light and then exhale slowly ridding yourself of concerns and troubles. And then do it all again calming your thoughts.
As we reflect upon Sacred Scripture there are instances where we wonder why Jesus, or his disciples say what they do. In this passage from Matthew, Jesus warns us that as we go forth to preach the good news, most will not be open to our efforts. “I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves.” And we know that a “pack” of almost anything is more difficult to negotiate than a single adversary.
He describes this experience several times to make sure we have the picture! Now that we are completely terrified, he exclaims, “But do not be afraid!” While happy to know that fact, we still wait for the punch line where we are told that our words will not be ours but will come to us through the Spirit sent by the Creator. We have had on occasion an experience of being inspired in life by a person, a sunset, a song, a prayer. The Spirit – that same One who filled the Disciples on Pentecost is the one who is with us today. The Spirit allows us to touch the hearts of others, to reflect the life of Jesus and to perform little miracles every day. Do not be afraid!
Holy One! Allow us to be reminded of your generosity in sharing your Spirit with us. Help us be grateful for all that you have created for us and not treat others as a threat of interference but as an opportunity to do good. Let us remember that harsh words or reactions to our doing good works is only a reflection of the pain and suffering experienced by those we are trying to help. Let us never take your love for granted! Help us to keep our eyes and ears open and to give thanks to you each day!
We make this prayer in your many names, O God! AMEN!
Bob Shea
Cathedral of Hope / United Church of Christ
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235