Matthew 25:35
…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.
Today is International Migrant’s Day. The United Nations declared the day to highlight the contributions made by the roughly 272 million migrants, including more than 41 million internally displaced persons, and the challenges they face.
It resonates with me because of the history of my family. My Father was a first generation American. His family came to this country after migrating from Prussia to England, to Canada and finally settling in Chicago. My paternal grandfather left eastern Prussia to escape the Tsar’s army which was conscripting men to bolster their forces.
He went to England and was going to send money back for his wife, my grandmother, to follow him. Eva, my grandmother, was impatient and was also a gambler. The butcher who lived below her flat asked her to join him in buying a lottery ticket since he considered her as “lucky”. She apparently was and their ticket won. She used her winnings to move herself to London to join my grandfather.
While there she once again bought a lottery ticket and her luck held out. She used the winnings to move the family, which now included a child to Canada and then to Chicago where she gave birth to two more children, one was my father.
Eventually she moved her family to Dallas where she opened a restaurant downtown and served thousands of Dallasites her delicious cuisine.
Because of that story, I have always respected and welcomed migrants who contribute so much to our culture, our economy and our lives. As the scripture reminds us, our history is one of migration. From Moses to Jesus, we have moved many times and each time the story only got better. It’s right that we should pause and reflect and honor those migrants who have shaped our lives.
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God of Jesus and Mary and Paul. Let us always welcome the stranger and treat them as we would be treated. Let us remember their difficult journeys that brought them here.
Hardy Haberman
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235