I often wonder how much time I spend worrying.
Worrying about my health, my friends, my finances. Worrying about my inadequacies. Am I smart enough, trained enough, diligent enough? Worrying about the impression I make on others. Am I friendly enough, attractive enough, intelligent enough?
Worry can send me into a state of inertia where nothing happens except for internal spinning and agitation. I would do batter to follow the example of the ravens.
The ravens indeed do not sow or reap, but they eat and forage and do just fine. They do not sit and wait for God to bring the food to them, they fly around and find the food that is there and available to them.
God provides for them, and they use their abilities to receive that bounty.
I am reminded of the story of the man who was drowning, and he prayed to God to save him. A man at the dock saw him and offered to throw him a lifesaver, but the man refused, saying, “God will save me.” A motorboat came by and they offered to pull him in, but he refused saying, ”God will save me.” Then a helicopter flew overhead, and the Pilot offered to drop a line so he could climb aboard, but the man refused saying, “God will save me.”
The man drowned. Arriving in heaven he asked God why he didn’t save him. God replied, “I sent a lifesaver, a motorboat and a helicopter, what more could I do?”
Sometimes our answers are right in front of us, and we fail to see them.
Loving God, let me stop worrying and start living the abundant life you set before me.
Hardy Haberman
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235