Before us, is an open invitation. God is inviting us to come as we are – no matter how broken we may be. Jesus is not like the queens and kings of this world. There is no pomp, no decorum, just an open field waiting to be filled with the children of the Lord. As we continue into this season of Lent, we are answering God’s alter call, “Come my children, and be healed. Come, and be set free.”
There is no place for shame for the chosen of God, for our God is loving, merciful, understanding, and kind. Nor is there any punishment, for Christ paid the price for every past, present, and future sin. We do ourselves a disservice when we make unnecessary requirements of ourselves and others to come before the Holy One. Lent is an open alter call for anyone. We fast, not because God seeks a sacrifice, but because we seek greater intimacy with God by removing those things which hinder our pursuit.
Truly, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples because He was a King eager and willing to see our uncleanliness. He will not reject us for any spot or blemish, but our Lord lovingly cleans us of all unrighteousness. Any good parent cleans their children, whether human or animal. How much more will our God clean us? For our Creator wholly cleans us, body and soul. Therefore, we can be unashamed to receive the love God has for us.
Loving Creator,
We seek a gentle embrace. When the world judges us by our faults, You redeem us with Your love. Bless You Jesus, for You received all sin although You are sinless, all uncleanliness although You are clean, and all punishments although You are pure. Therefore, let us be as bold as lions, coming to You as we are, while never forgetting that we are the beloved of God. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235