Titus 3:4-6
But when the kindness of God our Savior and Jesus’ love for mankind appeared, God saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to God’s mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom God poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior,
God’s Kindness
What knowledge are you hoping to acquire during the Lenten Season? It is in the human experience that we often live without knowing all of the facts. The future, God’s purpose for our lives, and the choices that we should make are all at times things shrouded in mystery. Yet, without knowing, somehow, we live without this knowledge every day.
There are times, however, when our questions and desires for the answers burn within our hearts so much that it consumes our every waking thought. In these moments, it is easy for us to be dissatisfied with God. At times, we would rather relieve the stress of our minds by following the instructions of people who claim to have the answers. With no clear direction or clarity, how could we possibly have peace of mind?
Instead of looking for the sun to shine every day, what if we became comfortable when it rains? In a perfect world the weather would never pose any threat. The temperature would always be comfortable and white puffy clouds would offer us plenty of shade. It is a fact that most people thrive on days like this, but when the weather changes unexpectedly and we become inconvenienced by it, we become uncomfortable.
We look to God to give us a good weather report but would be uncomfortable if God gave us a bad one. We have not learned how to be comfortable when the forecasts for our lives show us failing, making mistakes, and struggling.
God does not give us all of the answers, and by not doing so, does us a great kindness. How many of us would enter a competition that we knew was going to be a great struggle with many mistakes made, and that would eventually end in our failure? Most of us would not see the point in entering a race that we had no chance of winning.
However, even we fail, we gain experience, and with experience, knowledge, and with knowledge, understanding, and with understanding we gain the ability to be wise. If God told us everything, then we would avoid hard times, the very times in our lives which builds our character.
I would rather not know and struggle, than to know how to avoid the very things which are meant to grow me.
Loving God,
Help us to trust You. Remind us of Your love and of Your desire to prosper us. We do not know the way in which we should go, but we know that You are guiding us to where we should be. Lord, grow our faith. In the fiery trials, we know that You will fashion us into pure gold. Help us to believe when we do not see and to have peace in You, our mighty Creator. Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235