There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Today, precisely at 10:06 pm in Dallas, marks the vernal equinox. The equinox brings with it the start of spring—the season of renewal, fertility, and abundance. Scientifically, the vernal equinox is one of two days a year when night and day, darkness and light, are of equal duration.
We often talk about seeking equality. Using the natural world as an example, we see how rarely true equality actually takes place; two out of 366 days this year. Yet, the natural world uses the varying rhythms of light and dark to create balance, something that we also desperately seek in our daily lives.
Just like the trees and the mountains and the flowers and the animals, sometimes we need more darkness than light, more cold than warmth, more drought than rain, more activity than sleep, more work than play. For the earth, and for us, balance and equality are not synonymous.
Think about an acrobatic on a tightrope. Our perception is that that person is standing on a thin rope with his or her body equally distributed on either side. Just as with the equinox, that is not true for most of the time that the acrobat is on the rope. The tightrope walker is continually adjusting slightly their balance from side to side as they take each step and as the rope beneath them sways with these movements.
As Christians, we often find ourselves, like the tightrope walker, trying to find balance—balance between prayer and action, stillness and activity, solitude and community. As the earth has different needs throughout its yearly cycle, we also have varying needs on our faith journey.
As we approach Holy Week, take some time to think about balance in your life. What changes can you make so that you will emerge at Easter as Holy Whole?
Loving God, with each breath and each step that I take today, remind me to be aware of what I truly need in this moment. Lead me toward those things that will help me to find balance in my life so that I can become whole and holy. Amen
Kris Baker
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235