There are times when verses from the Bible confound me. These verses are some such. I can easily see where the Gnostics got idea that God had specialized knowledge and understanding for some people. So, I meditated on these words to see if I could discern something that I was missing. Here are my thoughts.
I read a quote this week (and apologize for not remembering the persons who said it) that God’s Spirit is not something that comes to us but is already in us. It needs to be awakened. This puts the whole passage in a new light to me. Even though this concept seemingly contradicts ‘receiving’ the Spirit, I am willing to give some latitude to 2000+ years of translations.
So here is what this passage has come to mean to me. People have God given gifts through Spirit. Spirit awakens within us, and we come to understand what our gifts are and what God means for us to do with those gifts. For those in whom Spirit is not awakened the gifts are there but seem foolish or wasted when used by those in whom Spirit is awakened in the manner God would ask. But Spirit and gifts of Spirit reside in all people. Spirit needs to be awakened. Awakened, the spiritual need to use the gifts they have.
Spirit of God reawaken in me each day. Remind me of my gifts. Help me understand the gifts. Instruct me in their use. Amen
Weber Baker
Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235