1 Samuel 21.5-6
David answered, “Women have indeed been kept from us, as is usual when I set out. And the equipment of the young men is holy, as it is even on common missions, and all the more at this time.” So the priest gave him the consecrated bread, since there was no bread there but the Bread of the Presence, which had been removed from before the LORD and replaced with hot bread on the day it was taken away.
David, a hungry man, sought refuge and help from the tabernacle of God on the day that Saul pursued him. He needed food, and the only bread that could be found was the bread set apart for the priests of God. This consecrated bread was to be used solely for the Lord’s purpose, for the bread was on His alter. Uncommon uses for the sacred bread were altogether against the law and sinful. It was considered an act against God for anyone other than the priests to eat this bread. Yet, because God would prefer mercy over sacrifice the bread was given to David by the priests; proving that love is not surrender to religious duties, but to the service of compassion and mercy.
I am the hungry man. As a gay man, my food is not the woman, for I cannot digest her. I did not crave her company, nor could I be satisfied by her. From childhood I went hungry hiding my desires, for I was told that they were an abomination. When finally, the man was brought before me, my hunger, like David’s hunger, was satisfied. Does not God prefer mercy over sacrifice? Will he let the homosexual, who cannot control his or her desires, go hungry? No, for it is not good for one to be alone or to go hungry.
The LGBTQ community has been hungry for too long. We shame ourselves because of our appetites. No one shames the rest of God’s creation for homosexual behavior; from insects to mammals there is a range of homosexual behaviors observed in the animal kingdom. The female Macaques, a species of primate, practices homosexuality almost exclusively in some areas. Would it not be considered animal cruelty if we stopped allowing animals like the female Macaques to mate with other females? Are not even the animals showing us that homosexuality is natural?
Your people hunger for romantic love. We look to You to be our God and feed us. Help us to be unashamed. There are those of us that hate themselves and would rather go hungry. Help them; help them see that you prefer feeding us rather than letting us starve. Lord, we ask that
You give us our desires and everything we need. Lord, let us walk in the light of truth. Thank You Lord for these wonderful gifts. Amen
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235