Tuesday - June 13, 2023

Kris Baker


Galatians 3:28

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female,

for you are all one in Christ Jesus.


In a country where white supremacy rears its ugly head way too often, it is actually

possible to be too white. People with albinism, a rare inherited genetic condition that

reduces the amount of melanin formed in the skin, hair, and eyes, face the same kinds

of stereotyping and marginalization as do so many others who do not fit the narrow-

minded definition of “normal” held by some.

On November 18, 2014, the United Nations’ General Assembly adopted a resolution

establishing June 13th as International Albinism Awareness Day. This historic resolution

confirms the global focus on albinism advocacy. Albinism occurs in all racial and ethnic

groups throughout the world. In the U.S., approximately one in 18,000 to 20,000 people

has some type of albinism. In other parts of the world, especially in Africa, the

occurrence can be as high as one in 3,000. This UN resolution is significant and

necessary because much of the way people with albinism are seen and treated is the

result of misinformation and myth.

In places such as Malawi and Tanzania, people with albinism are hunted and killed

because there is a belief their body parts have magical powers. Also, the graves of

people with albinism are dug up and the corpses dissected so that the witch doctors

can use the various body parts in concoctions, potions, and rituals, with the promise of

bringing prosperity to their users. On the other side of this, particularly in sub-Saharan

Africa, is that people with albinism are murdered because they are believed to be

cursed and will bring bad luck to those around them.

Though living with albinism in the United States is not mired with the same dire

circumstances found in some African nations, myth and misinformation, mostly put forth

by the entertainment industry, do run rampant and thus present challenges to those of

us living with albinism. For most people in this U.S., their only perception of a person

with albinism is “the evil albino” as developed in Hollywood movies such as The DaVinci

Code, The Matrix Reloaded, The Princess Bride, and, sadly, many others. In these

movies, the albino characters have grotesque health conditions, which in reality are not

associated with albinism at all; they are expert assassins, which is hilarious because

most people with albinism are legally blind; or, the plot lines purport that the condition is

the result of incest, which is absolutely not the cause of albinism. Thus, the average

person with albinism trying to make their way through life has to work to break down all

of these myths and stereotypes almost on a daily basis.

The number one myth surrounding albinism is that albinos have red or pink eyes. This

is totally false! Most of us have blue eyes, with some people’s leaning toward lavender.

This piece of misinformation, however, helps to promulgate the character of the “evil

albino” because red eyes suggest something way more intriguing and otherworldly than

does a fair-skinned person with blue eyes. The albino eye is also characterized by

nystagmus, uncontrollable rapid eye movement, and poor vision that cannot be

improved with corrective lenses, traits that are overlooked in these Hollywood


I share all of this information partially as a public service announcement on International

Albinism Awareness Day, but also because of its broader meaning. That is, in a world

where our perceptions can be so easily manipulated by a Hollywood take on life and

where virtual and augmented realities are becoming the norm, we must always

remember that we are all real people, real children of God, living real lives. We each

walk a unique path and no one else knows what it is like to walk in our shoes every

single day. 

As we say in academia, if you seek truth and want to understand more fully,

go to a primary source. Don’t assume what the life of a person with albinism looks like

based on a movie…or for that matter, the life of a single mother, or an addict, or a felon,

or a trans person, or a white supremacist. The only way that we can come to

understand, empathize with, and grow in love as a world is to share our firsthand stories

with one another openly and honestly and resist our instinct to judge or, worse yet, to let

others judge for us.


Loving God, Creator of us all, help me to be comfortable in my own skin and to

understand the power and wisdom of my vulnerability. Amen


Kris Baker

Order of St. Francis and St. Clare

Board of Directors, National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation

Previous Posts

By Donna Jackson February 21, 2025
SCRIPTURE Matthew 6: 20, 21 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. WORDS OF HOPE While helping a friend load up the car with boxes, we headed to a storage unit shaped like a castle. I bust out in laughter when I read the sign “Welcome to Cram a Lot”. What a great metaphor! We came a lot to cram a lot…there’s a song in this somewhere. Apparently, storage units in the US are a 53bn dollar industry and growing. Storing our “stuff” has become very valuable for companies who hold onto items that many have forgotten what’s in the boxes they packed. Then I thought about the multiple photo albums and various boxes of stuff Ive been lugging around for years. It’s been taking up space with pictures of people and places I don’t remember as well as a plethora of other “things” which are from days gone by. While we can’t erase the past or deny its existence, we can let go of it in ways that promote healing and growth. Jesus invites us to let got of material things that keep us stuck both physically and spiritually. By cleaning out the debris of negative thoughts, letting go of old hurts and even friends who are holding us back we open the space to have a deeper relationship with God. In speaking with like-minded folks, we discussed how enjoying the moment, sharing memories from the past and letting go of the ones that keep us imprisoned is the best gift we can give ourselves and others. I know when I feel free of fear, doubt, regret or other negative thoughts, I have more energy to freely share. There is immense freedom when we lighten our load, feel the joy of life and breathe a sigh of relief from carrying burdens. It’s the internal peace God intended for our lives. It’s free, and always there with an infinite promise of peace! PRAYER Everlasting Creator of life, as we unpack and repack our problems, let us remember when we ask, you promise to carry our burdens away! In Jesus name, Amen DEVOTION AUTHOR  Donna Jackson
By Jonathon McClellan February 20, 2025
SCRIPTURE Isaiah 30.18 Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore God will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for the LORD! WORDS OF HOPE True North “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Dr. King believed that true justice was more inevitable and within reach, detours sometimes, but in time–finds a way. That “long arch that bends towards justice” is often, hard to see… As you’re waiting to arrive–to this inevitability–it’s hard to believe you’ll actually get there. But somewhere, deep in your soul, something is refusing to get extinguished–a flame of hope. Change, in the same way, takes time to make its appearance known. What will be isn’t known until it becomes and the future is life’s greatest mystery. And yet, it cannot stay a mystery. We know that time must move forward–this, too, is an inevitability. To perceive time, one must remember that it is only temporary. Your “true north” is moving you forward through time, so that everyone will receive what is owed to them. Eventually, everyone will inherit the world they created. The good will be very good and the evil must bow to it. PRAYER Loving Creator, Do not let our differences be what destroys the souls of the nations, but restore our dignity, heal our hearts, and answer our calls for justice. All we desire is peace between neighbors. Dissolve our fears, and in its place, grow friendship. Enlarge our hearts so that we can meet our enemies with love. There is so much resentment, pain, and suspicion but nothing is more powerful than your forgiveness. We all need you to help us end this terrible cycle of hate and light our way to togetherness, trust, and most of all, love. Amen. DEVOTION AUTHOR Jonathon McClellan Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
By Hardy Haberman February 19, 2025
SCRIPTURE Luke 11:52 “Woe to you experts in the law! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.” WORDS OF HOPE Jesus has a lot of criticism for people claiming to be experts in the law. He was not talking about lawyers, but priests, specifically the Pharisees who would be mist aptly compared to “fundamentalists” of today. He saw them self-righteously following the letter of the laws of the Holy Scripture but missing the meaning of them. They contented themselves to follow and preach rules about behaviors but neglect fundamental justice and love and grace. It’s easy to get lost in a maze of rigid rules and forget that sometimes thinking outside the box is the answer. Jesus thought “outside the box”, and encouraged his disciples to do so as well. He healed the sick on the Sabbath, dined with sinners, comforted lepers, spoke with women, and overturned the tables of the money lenders. He saw a lot of the religious rules as getting in the way of people loving God and each other. He recognized that people wanted to be closer to God but sometimes those rigid religious laws got in the way. He encouraged people to find God by showing God’s grace and compassion to others. PRAYER May we seek to follow God’s guidance and bring about justice and love and grace in our world. Amen DEVOTION AUTHOR  Hardy Haberman
By Donald (Luke) Day February 18, 2025
SCRIPTURE John 14:1,3 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me, where I am, you will be also. WORDS OF HOPE Our Firm Foundation In the days before his death, Jesus prepared his disciples to continue walking in the spiritual truths and path which he had taught them. His followers were entering a period of great uncertainty and total disruption. Have times changed that much? The disciples were afraid of the evil forces which threatened Jesus' life and also what would be the consequence for them. Could they weather the danger which lay before them? Jesus told them that he would never abandon them in life or death. Today, we continue to rest in the assurance that Jesus will always be with us. However, there is one condition which was asked of the followers, "believe in me". That belief is not just a mental agreement. It is a confident assurance in the trustworthiness of Jesus. Trusting in him, Jesus would lead them through those dangerous and uncertain times. It's the same story today, Jesus will care for us and lead us into new opportunities ahead. But, like the disciples, we must trust in the faithfulness of our Lord! "When through the deep waters I call you to go, the rivers of sorrow shall not overflow, for I will be with you in trouble to bless you and sanctify your deepest distress." In these days ahead, may our confidence in the trustworthiness of God's care be expressed in all our daily activities. May the Peace of God be with us. PRAYER To you, O God, I lift up my soul, in you I put my trust! I know you will not let me be humiliated or triumphed over by these adversities and fears. As Psalm 25 tells us:" Even in these uncertain times, "teach me your way and show me your path" to follow... "For you are the God of my salvation and in you I have placed my trust all the day long." Amen. DEVOTION AUTHOR Donald (Luke) Day Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
By Thomas Riggs February 17, 2025
SCRIPTURE I Corinthians 15:21-22 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. I Corinthians WORDS OF HOPE For seven years, I was a part of the Bethany Oratorio Society, a group of musicians that has performed Handel’s Messiah on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday since 1882 and Bach’s St. Matthew’s Passion on Good Friday since 1929. This group of Kansas town folk, high school and college students, college faculty and hired soloists have kept this tradition alive for nearly 150 years. During my time in the Society, I was under the direction of Elmer Copley, a towering man of intellect, musical talent, and pastoral care. He directed the 400 voices, the master organist, and the orchestra with precision and passion. In the third part of Handel’s Messiah is sung Since By Man Came Death, a recitation of 1 Corinthians 15:21-22. Taking the librettist’s cue, the chorus starts in A minor and it sounds like a funeral hymn, singing of Adam’s fall and our mortality. Then suddenly, it switches to C major and is sung like a victory shout, singing of the resurrection through Christ. This is done twice for each of the two Biblical verses. Those two verses by Paul, combined with Handel's musical brilliance, powerfully proclaim a theology of resurrection. I recall how Professor Copley insisted that in the funeral sections of the song, we were to sing a hard letter “D” for the words “dead” and “die”. And we sang those words sforzando, meaning with a sudden strong emphasis. He wanted the audience to understand the sudden and vicious nature of death and how helpless we are to its power. He equally insisted that we should sing the victorious sections of the song with musical cheer and volume. The words “by man came also the resurrection” and “we shall all be made alive” are not to be sung timidly or clinically, but with the joy of knowing that in Christ we are alive. Juxtaposing death and resurrection twice, Handel musically switches back and forth between these two extremes. Going from Grave tempo, a cappella singing and complex harmonies in A minor to an Allegro tempo, with full orchestra and a simple harmony in C major. When space provides, give a listen to this chorus from the third part of Messiah, hearing the preaching of St. Paul, George Fredrick Handel, and Dr. Elmer Copley. Hear the finality of death and the joy of resurrection. Know the fall of Adam and the risen Christ. Feel the finality of grave and the celebration of the empty tomb. And if you sing along, don’t forget the hard “D”s and sforzando volume! PRAYER Lord God, thank you for the promise that in Christ, all will be made alive. Help me to live my life in a way that honors you and reflects the resurrection of Christ to those around me. Amen. DEVOTION AUTHOR  Thomas Riggs
By Rev. Dr. Gary Kindly February 14, 2025
SCRIPTURE I Corinthians 13:11-13 (Common English Bible) “When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, reason like a child, think like a child. But now that I have become an adult, I’ve put an end to childish things. Now we see a reflection in a mirror; then we will see face-to-face. Now I know partially, but then I will know completely in the same way that I have been completely known. Now faith, hope, and love remain—these three things—and the greatest of these is love.” WORDS OF HOPE “Maturity in Love”  They have been together 58 years. Until recently, they lived in the same house for 57 of those. They have built a life of relationships, work and service, devoted to each other and to Christ whom each encountered separately when they were boys. The God whom Jesus revealed to them is their anchor. Their church is their spiritual haven as well as their social homebase. It is through church where they connect with so many who matter most to them. They’ve persevered, overcoming a culture that rejected the notion that two men could be faithful, loving husbands. They have worked hard to earn and save and give, extending their charity to help others along life’s journey. Their compassion endures through the work of benevolent organizations they have supported. Together, their individual and collective passion for music, antiques, nature, art, fine collectibles and estate jewelry has enriched their lives and those of the people who share their interest or have been their clients. To get a good look at transcendence, you have only to gaze upon such mature, loving and committed relationships. They reflect the transcendent nature of holy love. It is pure, persistent, stubborn, patient, untiring, enduring and righteous. It is also imperfect, because we are human. One of my most favorite definitions of marriage is simply: “Two wonderful and imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.” Today is Saint Valentine’s Day, a time to celebrate love and friendship and to call to mind the true nature of genuine love. Thank you Fred and Roy; two perfectly wonderful and imperfect people who have refused to give up on each other. PRAYER Dear Jesus who loves us, help us we pray, imperfectly human, we still seek your way. Amen. DEVOTION AUTHOR Rev. Dr. Gary Kindley Pastoral Psychotherapist drgk.org
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