Ecclesiastes 3:18-21
“Surely the fate of human beings is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath; humans have no advantage over animals. Everything is meaningless. All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. Who knows if the human spirit rises upward and if the spirit of the animal goes down into the earth?”
Those of us who share our lives with pets know that doing so brings the deepest kind of love and also the deepest kind of loss. I know many people, myself included, that do not cry at the loss of human life in a movie, but when an animal dies, the box of tissue better be full. How many tears have been shed for Bambi’s mother, Old Yeller, Charlotte the spider, and Marley? And, why does the loss of animal life have such a profound effect on us?
For many of us, pets show us a kind of love that we often do not find in human love. My dogs want to be with me, whatever that me looks like, at the moment. Their love is non-judgmental and unconditional. Humans have so much to learn from our furry friends about life and love.
This poem by Taylor Mali, “Falling in love is like owning a dog” is a powerful testament to that kind of love.
"Falling in love is like owning a dog," by Taylor Mali
First of all, it's a big responsibility,
especially in a city like New York.
So think long and hard before deciding on love.
On the other hand, love gives you a sense of security:
when you're walking down the street late at night
and you have a leash on love
ain't no one going to mess with you.
Because crooks and muggers think love is unpredictable.
Who knows what love could do in its own defense?
On cold winter nights, love is warm.
It lies between you and lives and breathes
and makes funny noises.
Love wakes you up all hours of the night with its needs.
It needs to be fed so it will grow and stay healthy.
Love doesn't like being left alone for long.
But come home and love is always happy to see you.
It may break a few things accidentally in its passion for life,
but you can never be mad at love for long.
Is love good all the time? No! No!
Love can be bad. Bad, love, bad! Very bad love.
Love makes messes.
Love leaves you little surprises here and there.
Love needs lots of cleaning up after.
Sometimes you just want to get love fixed.
Sometimes you want to roll up a piece of newspaper
and swat love on the nose,
not so much to cause pain,
just to let love know Don't you ever do that again!
Sometimes love just wants to go for a nice long walk.
Because love loves exercise.
It runs you around the block and leaves you panting.
It pulls you in several different directions at once,
or winds around and around you
until you're all wound up and can't move.
But love makes you meet people wherever you go.
People who have nothing in common but love
stop and talk to each other on the street.
Throw things away and love will bring them back,
again, and again, and again.
But most of all, love needs love, lots of it.
And in return, love loves you and never stops.
Dogs are indeed like love. Read the poem again and replace “love” with God.
If dogs equal love and love equals God, then perhaps our deep relationship with dogs is because in them we find a tangible way to feel and experience God. And this is why we feel such an emptiness when we lose a pet.
Today is World Pet Memorial Day. Think about the pets with whom you have been blessed to share your life. Remember them. Honor the smiles and tears that those memories bring. Know that with them, you walked hand in paw with God.
Loving God, who creates all living things, I give you thanks for the animals I have known and loved. Help me to honor them by sharing the kind of love, joy, and friendship that they showed to me with the animals and humans that I encounter today. Amen.
Kris Baker
Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235