Romans 15.4
For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
When is the last time you visited a library? When I was in elementary through high school and especially when I was in college, my answer would usually have been “last week”, or “a few days ago” or “yesterday.” Today, my answer to that question would be, “I really don’t remember.” Growing up, besides regularly consulting my treasured World Book Encyclopedia, there was nowhere else to research or enrich my current questions or passions than the small local, or sometimes, massive downtown libraries.
Today is National Library Day, the beginning of National Library Week, and I am reminded of those days being surrounded by mountains of books, all neatly and meticulously organized by the stalwart Dewey Decimal System, inviting me to check out the mysteries revealed in their contents, but warning me to never put them back on the shelves myself and upset Ms Dewey. I figured Dewey must have been a woman since most of the librarians were.
But now in the instant information age, our libraries have become abridged sources of knowledge on countless web pages, blogs, podcasts, streaming services, aps, social media, YouTube, Wikipedia, cable news, broadcast documentaries, and, well, you know the list, and you have probably liked and shared some of them yourselves. The common thread among them is that they are usually highly opinionated and reliably inaccurate. Fear them all, but most of all, fear social media.
However, throughout my research for truth, I do regularly consult one library; The Holy Bible, which is not one book or two books, but a library of books, written over centuries by a huge variety of authors and edited by even more. Whether I read it online, or actually turn physical pages, the truth is in there. The truth I want to hear resonates from the Scriptures which I consider to be a collection of sincere spiritual writings. God did not dictate it, but the Spirit of God lives in it. I hope it’s one of your favorite library visits, too.
Thank you for everything that was written in the past to teach us. Guide us in the interpretations of your word that we may use it to give your hope to others.
Dan Peeler
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235