"Worry is like a rocking chair, it keeps you moving but doesn't get you anywhere." -Corrie Ten Boom; Tramp for the Lord
Haven't all of us known a person who seems to worry constantly and tends to talk something to death? They get an idea fixed in their head and then can't let it go; chewing on it both night and day, but never able to "spit or swallow". If truth be known, haven't each of us done that, and where did it get us? No resolution, no peace, no action or settlement of the matter...it only leads to distress and lost opportunity to be truly effective.
It's easy to tell the person to get over it and stop the rocking chair of worry. But that rarely slows the hurtful process for those who worry. For Christians, we still have things which enter our lives and can cause worry. However, a solution is available. Quiet down and take a few minutes to talk to Christ, not necessarily a formal prayer, just a little conversation with Christ. Ask for guidance in the matter, for wisdom and strength...and the patience to wait for the divine solution.
I guess that when we become followers of Jesus, he could have demanded that we saw off the rockers on our chairs; however, with the rocking chair intact we still can exercise our legs a bit while we seek his guidance and help in these troubling matters. Worry not excessively; pray for Christ's help incessantly!
A common matter about which Christians worry is their sin or failure to do all that they assume God wants from them. They hang onto their past sin and allow its weight to distance themselves from God's presence. If you truly have repented of the sin and ask for divine forgiveness, the matter becomes one of belief that God can forgive. If you can't trust God's mercy, the problem really is a failure to accept divine forgiveness.
So, the worry goes on, sometimes for years, and with it grows a greater gap in one's relationship with God. We all need to give God credit for being far more loving and merciful that we might be and allow God to forgive us.
Corrie Ten Boom stated the matter this way. "God takes our sins, past, present and future, and dumps them into the sea. Then God posts a sign for us which says, NO FISHING ALLOWED!"
Guide us to worry not excessively and to pray for Christ's help incessantly!
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235