John 15:15
No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from Abba God I have made known to you.
An ancient Doxology reads: "Glory to God, our Creator and Preserver, Glory to the Son".
A major question for early Christian leaders revolved around the influence that Jesus
had on their belief in one God.
From the beginning Jesus became known among the villagers for his wise and holy words which told of God's love, forgiveness, divine welcome, and words of correction and encouragement for their Lives.
By these words and the manner in which he related to others, Jesus revealed much about his Abba God. Toward the end of life, Jesus told his followers: "I have called you my friends, because I've made known to you [revealed] everything that I've heard from my Abba God." Jesus revealed God's loving nature as he encountered everyone - rich or poor, powerful or outcast. He revealed God's patience and understanding of human frailty as he gently led his disciples into greater appreciation of his divine ministry. Jesus revealed God's offer that believers could enter the Kingdom of God and live under divine sovereignty which would be reflected in their current tangible lifestyles. Jesus revealed the tender, healing care of God as he reached out to heal all manner of illness and revealed the Almighty power of God when he raised Lazarus from the dead.
Before Jesus, it seemed that God was very distant from the common person, but now the Divine's presence seemed to walk with them, talk to them, and eat meals with them. Jesus' life revealed the opportunity to have an intimate relationship with God. Earlier the Temple curtain had separated the Holy One from all worshipers but the High Priest. Now with the revelation of Jesus, all those who sought a true
relationship with God could find divine presence available in their daily life.
This aspect of the Holy One which Jesus revealed to his followers. What other characteristics of God are revealed to you because of the life and ministry of Jesus?
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235