“One thing I [ask] of the Lord…--that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord, to seek [God] in the temple…” Psalm 27:4
Maintenance Quiz
Which of the following responsibilities are you MOST LIKELY TO LEAVE UNATTENDED:
Going to the dentist or doctor for regular checkups
Mowing the yard (Answer only if you do not have a yard service!)
Cleaning the house
Washing the dog
Taking the car in for service check ups
Getting your tax material together on time
Sending thank you notes
Staying in touch with friends
Attending to self-care
Add your least favorite here….
While pushing the vacuum cleaner across the floor the other day, watching it fill yet again with dog hair, I thought about how our lives involve so much maintenance of one kind or another. And while it is satisfying to see, for example, order restored to the house or have a dentist commend your diligence in flossing, the amount of upkeep we must do can be boring, exhausting, stressful, and/or financially draining. So, there are plenty of factors which militate against it. Even keeping up with our friends offers challenges, particularly with work and family and church and volunteer commitments.
But anyone who has had a drive belt break on the road knows that the impact of delayed maintenance can be significant. Similarly, it is painful to feel distance growing in a relationship because you’ve neglected breaking bread together for months.
Equally important is spiritual maintenance. Now, if something in you just groaned, because it feels like “one more thing,” breathe and pause. Spiritual maintenance does not necessarily mean doing more. In fact, it could mean winnowing down, gleaning the most vital and life-giving parts of your life from those which have grown unfertile or toxic. It could mean starting every day with gratitude or gasping in delight before glorious autumn colors. It might just mean sitting in silence, listening for the heartbeat of God in prayer.
Nurturing intimacy with the divine anchors and guides us in ways we sometimes don’t even fully comprehend.
Spiritual reading—whether scripture or poetry or the works of gifted writers like Barbara Brown Taylor, Richard Rohr, Joan Chittister, Howard Thurman-- helps us to grow in faith. The array of spiritual podcasts from various faiths and practices is a treasure as well. (Try Krista Tippett’s On Being if you haven’t.)
Sometimes nothing will compare to the blessing of spiritual companionship. A treasured ritual for me is the monthly spiritsister breakfasts with a friend, sharing the joys and sorrows of life, the doubts, the nudge of a calling, and always the ongoing miracle of God’s sustaining grace. Similarly, the growing intimacy of our small group is a joy and support in the storms of life. *
You are closer to us than we are to ourselves, God, but help us clear the clutter, noise, and business which blocks our awareness of your sweet, sweet presence. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
*So many other ways that we may attend to the Spirit—like the glories of music and corporate worship—are so big that they have to wait for another devotion!
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235