One of my favorite sayings is “I’ll be patient if you’ll just hurry!” I can be patient in critical times and then easily turn impatient in a most mundane situation. Traffic, waiting for seeming hours to talk to a real person because the computer voice keeps promising it can help me. “No, you cannot “I often yell into the phone! Eventually I take a deep breath, laugh at myself, and acknowledge the computer doesn’t care.
In this ever changing, fast past world, we can access instant food, apps, and packages dropped to us overnight. No wonder it’s hard to be “in waiting”. Even our TV selections are titled “on Demand” and we wonder why our patience is taking a back seat.
Sarah and Abraham became impatient with Gods promise they would have a son, so he slept with the maid Hagar, had a son and that turned out bad for everyone involved.
When Moses went up the mountain to receive word from God, the folks became impatient and asked Aaron to build a golden calf to worship. That didn’t work out well either. Obviously, since impatience is addressed in the Bible way before our time, God knew we would need help, even after being promised a new nature through Christ.
Babies in their ability to go from perfectly calm to screaming for attention are reminders we are not born with patience. It something we acquire.
Countless times I’ve impatiently chosen to take matters into my own hands, only to be met with a very patient God who is always there when I fall. When we surrender unconditionally, God, with no questions asked will dusts us off, kiss our cheeks and guide us along the way.
So, the chief weapon against impatience is turning to the word of God. God gives us the ability to be patient and shows us what patience looks like so we will share that gift with others.
God as we continue to practice patience, let this gift grow so other lives can be blessed through us. In Jesus name…Amen
Donna Jackson
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235