“At the table of grace, the cup’s never empty, and the plate’s always full and it’s never too late to come and be filled with love never ending. You’re always welcome at the table of grace.” Connie Rae Harrington and Anna Hutto.
The following devotion is an editorial piece I wrote for a small spiritual journal in the winter of 2013 after a morning serving at BACH. I reprint it here in dedication to all the faithful volunteers of the Breakfast at Cathedral of Hope program, past and present, and in memory of “Bam Bam,” one of our former guests, a veteran with Stage IV cancer, who loved nothing more than to meet Jesus at the table for communion and prayer. He now abides in the embrace of Love forever.
The Hunger! Oh, the Hunger!
Mother Moses came to breakfast Saturday morning. Rising from the round table where she shared a full meal with her sisters and brothers, she looked at me and spoke with conviction: “Sister Pat, THIS is the kingdom of God!”
Five years ago, our church began serving breakfast to the homeless, the underserved, the poor, the veteran, the mentally ill, the wandering stranger, the aging on a fixed income, and those on disability. It is here that I regularly see the faces of hunger. The physical hunger is only the most obvious. Some people come to stretch their sub-minimum wage earnings a little further for children’s clothes, for medicine, for electricity payments. Some guests eat until they almost founder—as if trying to stave off the gnawing ache of the night. Some eat to sober up, to diminish the dread hold of alcohol or drugs. For many, the companionship of the table is a meal in itself.
As dire as the physical hunger is, the hunger of the heart and spirit cries out all around. Angel hungers for a taste of the American Dream for his son, a promise that his life will hold more than breading chicken in a restaurant shift after shift. Guarded and protective of his mother, ten-year-old Joshua yearns for stability—for a home where he is not caught between his parents’ hostilities. Sarah, sexually abused by her father and living with a possessive and sometimes violent man, hungers for safety, to know she is not “dirty,” to know the embrace of a loving God.
Each week the hunger for hope is palpable. What nourishes my own hope is the compassion of the communities who serve with our gay and straight church members: volunteers from the Ismaeli Muslim community, from an African-American Methodist Church, from the National Honor Society of a predominately Hispanic high school, from a recovery house for teen addicts.
Surely, our best hope is in Jesus, the one who meets us again and again—no matter our condition—at the table of grace. In this sacred encounter, we learn to be held, lifted up, blessed, broken open and offered. Bread for the world.
Fountain of Life, Pour your sustaining love into us as we meet you at the table of grace. Fit us for the work of your kin-dom, that no one is turned away hungry in body or spirit. Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235