Spring Song
the green of Jesus
is breaking the ground
and the sweet
smell of delicious Jesus
is opening the house and
the dance of Jesus music
has hold of the air and
the world is turning
in the body of Jesus and
the future is possible
Lucille Clifton
What a vibrant, earthy--mystical experience of resurrection Lucille Clifton envisions in her “Spring Song”! What resonant, surprising fusions of sound and sense image the Life that death could not conquer, the Life which re-emerges each year in the natural world.
Though each March and April our yards bear witness to the “force that through the green fuse drives the flower,”*as it breaks ground in Easter lily crowns and Iris ruffles, other images in the poem startle with their freshness. How extraordinary is the “sweet smell of delicious Jesus” which opens up the doors of our lives after the times of darkness and fear and cynicism! What extravagant Grace!
The poet then moves to imagine Jesus as a kind of prime choreographer of the air, as if to suggest that the clouds moving across the sky, the green abundance of waving branches, or “a host of golden daffodils”** fluttering in the breeze are dances of Jesus music! It prompts us to just stop and exclaim: Behold, the beauty of the Lord!
Then, in a more theological turn, Clifton proclaims: “The world is turning in the body of Jesus.” The risen Christ embraces and holds all life and all life springs forth from him.
With this life, the future is possible. Hope is possible. Healing is possible. Justice is possible. A creation renewed in Love is possible.
May it be so. Alleluia!
I give you thanks, O God, for Jesus’ spring song and the poet who sings it! Amen.
Dr. Pat Saxon
*Dylan Thomas’s phrase; ** William Wordsworth’s phrase
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235