Tuesday 6:30pm - Dr. Pat Saxon

Day of Week






About Us

Our group began as people gathered around topics and books which sparked an interest. Over the years we have reflected on and discussed many topics such as Praying with Mary Oliver, A Contemplative Journey into Advent—and even held some Taize style services over Zoom during the pandemic. Book studies have ranged from Sue Monk Kidd’s The Book of Longings and social justice works such as Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy and Joan Chittister’s The Time is Now. During Lent and Advent we study the chosen book of the church. This is a group of spiritual seekers, people who have learned to live in uncertainty about theological questions, people who know the value of stillness and open-hearted respectful listening to others. Over time, especially during the pandemic, we have drawn close, celebrating each others’ joys and grieving each others’ losses.

Because our folks come from diverse parts of the city, we will continue to meet primarily on zoom, with some occasions in which we share a meal and talk together.

Group Leader: Dr. Pat Saxon

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