Matthew 12:33
Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit
You can type whatever you want on your resume. It is just a list of jobs and accomplishments and in many cases, it will never be checked by a prospective employer. I used to be a Creative Director for an internet marketing and development company. I saw a lot of resumes, and many were impressive, but what always impressed me was a portfolio of work. Whether electronic or physical, a portfolio is hard to fake. It shows what good fruit you have made and that usually made the difference when I was hiring someone.
I think of our prayers as our resume. They are mainly words and hopes and wishes. Our lives and our deeds are our portfolios. They are the real-life work we have done.
If God was going to judge us, I suspect it will be by our deeds and not our words and hopes and wishes. Talk is cheap.
As I grow older, I think about that a lot. Not that I believe in a judgmental God, because I believe all humanity gets the gift of grace, but I want to leave some kind of legacy of what I have done in my life that made things a little better for others. I want to be known by my good fruit.
God, may we leave legacies of the good fruit of your lives, and may it nurture others who come after us. Amen
Hardy Haberman
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235