Matthew 25:40
And the King will answer them, “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my siblings, you did it to me. “
September 5 was chosen as the date for International Day of Charity in honor of Mother Teresa's death on this date in 1979 "for work undertaken in the struggle to overcome poverty and distress, which also constitute a threat to peace."
As we consider the importance of charity, it is pretty much what Christianity is all about. Having our walk with God is a personal thing, but if we are blinded to the needs of those around us, we are totally missing God's message of the great commandments to love God AND to love our neighbors.
If we take on God's love in our life, it changes us. We become full of love, and it spills out in our daily lives.
Churches are like that, too. Some churches I have attended met and worshipped and filled their souls, but not enough that it caused them to do more than collect offerings twice a year for "home missions" and "foreign missions." Those congregations fed families of their own when a death occurred but turned their heads and would not see the families in extreme poverty living in their communities.
Those congregations did not collect school supplies for families who might struggle to purchase those items. They did not collect the items needed for a Thanksgiving meal for others who might go without. Oh, we did go sing hymns for the elderly at the nursing homes. That was our service project between collection of money for people in other countries and people in America that we needed to "save their souls" so they did not get sent to hell!
Since I have been a member of Cathedral of Hope, there have been projects to collect water for a neighborhood who did not have drinkable water, we have repaired homes for elderly people whose homes were being condemned by the city if not brought up to code. We have collected school supplies. Every Thanksgiving we have collected about 500 baskets for everything needed for a holiday meal for families. There have been health fairs for the neighborhood, gifts for children at Christmas and school uniforms. These blessings were not done for church members (except some who might need those services). Then we started our weekly food pantry and Breakfast at Cathedral of Hope.
These things of charity just naturally flow from a church that fills people who attend with the Good News of a God of inclusive love. We are filled so that the love overflows from us. Cathedral of Hope fills us with love, not fear! We hear every week of how precious we are to God, even with our faults and imperfections. We are assured that Love is God's promise to all without respect to our color, sex or where we are on our journey. When God's wonderful and all-inclusive love is the focus of and heart of a church, instead of deciding who is excluded, the people of that church are full of love and ready to spread charity to all people we encounter.
At Cathedral of Hope we will celebrate this day of Charity by our iCare meal and distributing pantry items to our neighbors in need, like we do every Monday. I hope you find a way to be a little extra charitable today to celebrate.
God of love, fill us to overflowing so that we spill out your love on all we encounter.
Jan Nunn
CoH Voluntee
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235