Proverbs 30:8 NIV
Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread.
Changing Views
An ant is small to a spider, but the spider is small to the bird. The bird is small to the cat, but the cat is small to the human. The human is small to the elephant, but the elephant is small to the whale. What is big and what is small? Ten dollars is a lot for one who has only pennies, but ten dollars is little for one who has hundreds of dollars. The one with thousands of dollars does not consider a hundred dollars as having much and the one with millions of dollars considers thousands of dollars to be little. Someone with a million dollars believes that they have much while someone with a billion dollars believes the same. What is having little and what is having much?
The reason that we are never satisfied is because we feel small when we are in fact big, and we think that we are poor when we are in fact rich. We believe that comparisons follow some logic; that we can identify what makes a thing similar or different from another thing. However, the view changes the further one gets up the mountain. The scenery changes from when one is looking out of their window to when one is standing outside. How we see the world changes from when we are young to when we are old. Yet even though everything in our universe is constantly changing, we try to simplify what cannot be simplified.
By looking we think we can see, by asking we think we can know, but we cannot determine by looking or asking and discover what is big and what is much. There is always something bigger and there is always something smaller. Less and more change depending on the count. In reality, true humility does not need to ask or look to know that she is equal to her brother. We may not be the same, but we are equally priceless in God’s eyes. Therefore, do not seek to gain an advantage by comparing yourself to another, and do not think that you have fallen short.
Spirit of divine love,
Teach us how to accept ourselves and others. Help us to appreciate and to not be tempted to evaluate. Put us on the path to humility. Bless You for the opportunity to change how we view things and let this change lead us to wisdom. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
Jonathon McClellan
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235