Life is full of metaphors. A hot day is an oven. A cold day is a freezer. A boring job is homework. A place we enjoy visiting we compare to Disneyland! Metaphors help us turn something that may be vague into something that is familiar.
The Bible is full of metaphors. In the Hebrew Scriptures God is a potter, a shepherd, a devoted mother eagle. In the Gospels, Jesus is the light, the vine, the bread of life, a protective mother hen. God is perhaps the greatest metaphor we have today for nurturing father/mother or more appropriately, our heavenly parent, and usually one we turn to when there’s trouble.
In times of dire need, we look to what we think of as a divine “interceder” for lack of a better title. We look outside of ourselves for something that will help us or perhaps speak to us. We may seek a sign that we hope will be interpreted as a signal of a miraculous measure to be taken by that force greater than ourselves.
What can I say? I’m only human and wanting to give a name to something I’ve been taught about for years through the ancient writings of Israel, the being we call God. I don’t have any other way of describing this thing which is far outside of my understanding. But, in terms of science, I believe everything is a vibration; a certain frequency in which we ask the force in the universe to help us, a force we call a “Divine supernatural omniscient being.”
When the Gospels came along, we had Jesus as the incarnation of God on Earth. We didn’t need a metaphor any longer. Who am I kidding? If a woman (or man) wearing tattered clothing and who hadn’t showered, approached me and said that said I’m the One Divine Supernatural Omniscient Super Being,” I would probably walk away and say nice try fella. The metaphor, “God is an ordinary guy in old clothes” just doesn’t work.
What if Jesus were to appear today? Would I believe anyone claiming to be Jesus? Come to think of it, it has probably already happened. If so, I’m sure I doubted it. Has it happened to you? How would you describe Jesus in metaphor? Is he your rock, your shield, your fortress, your friend? What or who is Jesus to you?
Thank you for the countless ways we see the infinite God. Thank you for being Love and for being our Hope.
Charlie C. Rose
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235