Matthew 18:6
But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea
Fair Trade Day will honor the movement for a world in which all laborers are paid more fairly for the work they do and the products they create. Fair trade aims to create a more nearly equal and positive working situation for laborers around the world. Many laborers producing some of the world’s most lucrative products—like coffee, clothing, and chocolate—are living in poverty and collecting painfully low wages. Fair Trade aims to change this. The movement is an actionable step toward reducing poverty, mistreatment of workers, climate issues, and economic constraints around the world. The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) created the holiday in 2004.
It is amazing how white privilege or living middle class in a first world country can make you so blind to the struggles of those who produce products we use. I drank coffee for years without considering the trauma children might have endured to grow and harvest and process my morning enjoyment drink. It almost makes you choke on your comfort drink when it is called to your attention the peril of workers who must struggle to get your product to your coffee maker! And children may have risked their lives and been removed from their homes and deprived of education! Now I review the package for the magic words "fair trade" when choosing my coffee.
"About 20% of children in coffee-growing countries fall victim to labor exploitation in coffee cultivation. Facing demanding quotas, workers often bring their children to help in the field in order to earn a living wage. The U.S. Department of Labor reports an estimated 34,131 children laborers growing coffee in Vietnam, 12,526 of which are under the age of 15. The same report finds almost 5,000 children under 14 working on coffee plantations in Brazil, often without a contract or protective equipment. In Côte d’Ivoire, children are subject to human trafficking and forced labor. Threats of violence and withheld payments prevent them from leaving the farms, and many suffer from denial of food and sick leave." (From BorgenProject.org)
Child labor can result in extreme bodily and mental harm, and even death. It can lead to slavery and sexual or economic exploitation. And in nearly every case, it cuts children off from schooling and health care, restricting their fundamental rights.
Coffee production is just one area of abuse of workers and children.
I was relieved to find out that Amazon does not tolerate use of children labor per their December 2022 statements of standards for companies they use as suppliers.
And child labor is only one area of Fair Trade.
We live in a complex world. And it would be more comfortable to believe all these horror stories are from other countries. But it has not been that long ago that the US had factories and farms using children in very dangerous jobs. As well as illegal citizens coming to harvest the cotton in West Texas during my high school years. Most were not housed humanely and not treated very well.
So in honor of Fair Trade Day, can you verify one or two of the things you purchase regularly are Fair Trade produced? Please consider this. Either find another product or contact the manufacturer to encourage them to find ways to process their products using safe and fair labor.
So, becoming aware of areas of unjust practices is one way we can start to do our part to make our world better! You can look for the words Fair Trade on your coffee. Once you realize you are contributing to continued abuse of people who create the products you use, you can stop purchasing those products. Or you can contact the manufacturer to encourage them to change their practices.
God of all people, help us find ways to make life safer for those being abused to produce the products we purchase.
Jan Nunn
CoH Volunteer
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235