1Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
The American Nurses Association is celebrating National Nurses Week 2024 May 6 - May 12, and throughout May. This year's theme, "Nurses Make the Difference," honors the incredible nurses who embody the spirit of compassion and care in every health care setting. On this day, we raise awareness of all nurse contributions and commitments and acknowledge the vital role nurses play in society. If you have ever been in a hospital, no doubt you sing praises of nurses. You see a doctor maybe once a day. But your continuous care is provided and supervised by the nurses. If you have an unexpected event, the nurse will be the one responding. If you did not know it before the COVID-19 pandemic, you know it now: Nurses are the unsung heroes of healing. From delivery rooms to disaster zones, medical facilities would simply not function without them. They are the lifeblood of every health care setting.
The history of nursing in the U.S. military dates as far back as the Revolutionary War. Military nurses often worked for little to no pay, under dangerously deplorable conditions, without rank or recognition. And nurses did more than save lives; they paved the way for future generations of nurse professionals by changing the course of American medical history. In Arlington National Cemetery's Section 1, you will find a diverse mix of grave markers, from basic white headstones to massive, ornate monuments commissioned by generals and other U.S. leaders. Among them, you will also find the graves of 23 pioneering female Civil War nurses. God calls humans into service where they can best serve. We sometimes only think of ministers as being called. But when we think of the nurses, we must admit they must
have received a special call. They must have extra grace from God to deal with people at their worst! My nurse friends tell of patients so hard to deal with in their pain and fear during hospitalizations. They do fight the good fight like our scripture above mentions. And often in very difficult circumstances like Covid and challenging patients. We acknowledge that like the theme of this year's celebration, nurses make the difference!
God who calls us to serve humankind in many ways, thank you for the precious gift of the nurses you call to help us when we are suffering illnesses.
Jan Nunn
CoH Volunteer
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235