“We should live out our life in love of life."
-John McQuiston
When we arise each morning to a new day, we have a choice; whether or not to reach out and "grab the brass ring" of life's opportunities and swing through the day’s events. But, how will we swing through those human interactions? Some people behave like pirates.
They raid each conversation and grab from others everything they can get, leaving the other person worse than before. Life becomes a game of greed and self- aggrandizement, always "get, get, get more". However, for Christians that is not the life example which Jesus taught when he said, "You are [my] light for the world". (Matthew 5:14)
Our lifestyle should be a balance; that which we receive from Christ, we share with others. And since our source is infinite and always appropriate, we have no need to raid the other person's life, taking from them. We can enter each new day's opportunities with assurance that God's wise love through us will be more than adequate to fill us, and also bless the other individual. That assurance gives us trust that the new day will be filled with the presence of God and divine blessings.
Christ will make sure that we can grab that brass ring of a new day's opportunities and swing through its interactions with others while keeping a joyful smile on our face and a blessed song in our heart to share.
Gracious God, as I reflect on how I want to begin each new day
of life with you and others, may I be more faithful and consistent in my life's
witness to your redeeming love and care. Open my eyes to the opportunities
which you will provide whereby I can help others find you as a rich source of
comfort and guidance for their life. Amen.
Donald (Luke) Day
Order of St. Francis and St. Clare
Cathedral of Hope
Proclaiming Christ Through Faith, Hope and Love
5910 Cedar Springs Road | Dallas, TX | 75235